Facts and Homework

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This school is one of seven partners in the project "digital-empathy":



Here you can see important Holidays in Turkey 2018:

Holidays in Turkey 2018

Presentation of our country:

Here you can see the presentation of Turkey.

Fake news:

Here you can read about fake news.

Newspaper article

Here you can see an article about the meeting in Poland in the local newspaper of Turkey.

Here you can see an article about the meeting in Germany in the local newspaper of Turkey.

Here you can see an article about the meeting in the Netherlands in the local newspaper of Turkey.

Homework: Speaking up for peace, against war and discrimination

Peace texts pdf

Homework: Risks on the internet

Life stories risks on the internet pdf

Homework: Save Internet day on 6th May, 2019

We explained the parents and teachers how to use the Internet safety.

We opened stands at school. We displayed the project products, materials from the partners and things related to the Internet Day. The students visited these stands.

We invited the press and teachers from other school.

blog turkey Internet5blog turkey Internet6

blog turkey Internet3blog turkey Internet4

blog turkey Internet1blog turkey Internet2




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