Project Meeting

Here's the link to our local online tv channel that showed a report from our Transnational Project Meeting held in our school in November 2017:

November 21st, 2017

The first meeting in November was held in Poland. The Erasmus Partner school is in a town called Gruppa.
The pupils and teachers did a great work. After visting the school the Erasmus-Group saw a great show. The pupils were active in singing and dancing. The parents and teachers offered a buffet with traditional food. In the afternoon we had a workshop and we discussed our Erasmus activities.

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November, 22nd

We went to Gdansk and made a sightseeing tour in the old town. After the lunch break the Erasmus Group visited the museum of Solidarity.

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November, 23rd

We had a sightseeingtrip to Torun.In this town Nikolaus Kopernikus was born.  After the lunch we went back to Gruppa and worked on the Erasmus activities. There was also the logo and slogan competition.

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In the Gingerbread Museum we had a lot of work.

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