Facts and Homework

Germany small


This school is one of seven partners in the project "digital-empathy":


All activities at this school related to "digital-empathy" can be found here:


Newspaper article:

In the german newspaper you can read this article about the project meeting in Germany.

In the german newspaper you can read this article about the project meeting in the Netherlands.

In the german newspaper you can read this article about the project meeting in Spain.


Here you can see important Holidays in Germany 2018:

Holidays in Germany 2018

Logo Website:

This logo you can use for letters:

blog letter Erasmus

Presentation of our country:

Here you can see the presentation of Germany.

Fake news:

Here you can read about fake news.

Refugee on the run:

The story "On the run from Syria to Germany" in German, in English

Students feedback "Germany mobility"

You can see it here.

German students report of the "Dutch mobility"

blog amsterdam1blog amsterdam2

blog amsterdam3blog amsterdam4

blog amsterdam5blog amsterdam6

blog amsterdam9blog amsterdam10

blog amsterdam11blog amsterdam12

blog amsterdam8blog amsterdam13


Homework Calendar 2019 Project Erasmus+

You can see the calendar 2019 here.

Homework Speaking up for peace, against war and discrimination

blog peace1blog peace2

blog peace3blog peace4

 blog Maske1

blog Maske2blog Maske3

blog Maske4

Homework: Experienced life stories

Results of discussion

Homework: Internetday

Cybermobbing pdf


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